As I reflect here to tell my story I realize that creativity is something that has been a constant in my life. Completing my art degree majoring in ceramics was really just the start of my journey. It wasn’t the plan, I entered my degree with graphic design in my sights but it seems once I got my hands on clay it took over and forms and three dimensional work became my focus.

As life changed teaching became a career for me and as an art teacher my own creative ventures laid to the side as I fostered children to explore art with freedom and excitement.

Once again my life changed and photography became a vehicle to capture and create and I explored this as a business for sometime.

As life moved forward once more I looked for new creative outlets and returned to my messy practice of clay. It is here I enjoy the molding and exploration of turning something from the earth into something to treasure. It will continue to grow and change and I love all aspects of this wonderful art form.

Leanne Doble has been creating her whole life.

From the Earth,

for the Home.